Tuesday, September 5, 2023

M3M0RYL34K 00000031 2023.09.03

Video via Youtube below, push play or click on player

Audio via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player

Unedited video via Kick below


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

M3M0RYL34K 00000030 2023.08.28

Video via Youtube below, push play or click on player

Audio via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player

Unedited video via Kick below


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

M3M0RYL34K 00000029 2023.08.13

Video via Youtube below, push play or click on player

Audio via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player

Unedited video via Kick below


Friday, August 11, 2023

M3M0RYL34K 00000028 2023.08.06

Video via Youtube below, push play or click on player

Audio via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player

Unedited video via Kick below


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

M3M0RYL34K 00000027 2023.07.23

Video via Youtube below, push play or click on player

Audio via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player

Monday, July 24, 2023

The End of "On The Edge" as we know it...

March 26th 2023, marks the end of the six-hour format of "On The Edge" [aka OTE] on C89.5 [aka KNHC] in the Seattle metro area. Due to the personal reasons and lack of commitment of DJ Drew, and playing too many reruns, the OTE show has suffered in both ratings and the donations required to sustain it. Not to mention the overall dwindling popularity of terrestrial radio, due to digital media. It didn't help I (SAiNt) was forces to move to the peninsula at the end of the pandemic, and could no longer get to the studio.


Additionally, C89.5 now has a new PD, aka program [music] director. The new PD and GM have insisted OTE be cut be to 2-3 hours long with an 11PM start time. It may even be moved to a different day, like Wednesday in the future. The new PD is also forcing all specialty shows to be prerecorded 2 weeks in advance. The whole point of a specialty show is to be live and play the newest tracks breaking. Never mind the GM promised me the show would never have a later start time.


Since stepping in for Paul, both Drew and I (SAiNt) repeatedly pointed out to C89.5 that over 90% of the OTE donations came in before 11PM. It is one of only 2 shows that has sponsorship thanks to Cryoflesh.


During the shows original hours of 6PM-midnight (when OTE was the biggest money maker for C89.5), many of you would listen both during and after dinner. Another chunk of the audience would listen as a get-ready and/or pre-funk before heading out to a night club. 


IMO (SAiNt), the new PD’s & GM's justification to cut the OTE show time in half and make the start time even later (essentially DURING prime club hours) is based off of Arbitron ratings, ratings that are a completely inaccurate representation of radio show popularity in the 21st century. No radio station takes ratings after 11PM that seriously.


This change in start time has essentially killed the show.


Listeners understand this. Drew and I (SAiNt) have navigated your numerous and understandable complaints about the change of the show start time when the start time was moved from 6PM to 8PM. We have also been navigating C89's administration trying to kill off the show for years.


The new C89.5 PD to be what many would define as a bully boss.


The PD is forcing the volunteer DJs/creators to relinquish rights to their shows, show names, show logos, and all that the volunteers have created for THEIR shows. He’s telling the C89.5 show creators they do not have the right to publish recordings of their shows online--on platforms such as Mixcloud that pay the music artist--claiming it goes against KNHC’s licensing agreement.


This is a lie.


The FCC has no regulatory authority for online content; technically, they don’t even have say on cable TV, only over the air signals (terrestrial). Even over the air these are "rules" not law.


The new PD’s intimidation tactics are appalling since the real purpose of his claims is to use past recordings of OtE shows to create a subscription-based 24 hour streaming channel of OtE recordings, similar to the "Save The Wave" streaming subscription C89.5 offers.


Because C89.5 has only ever kept a 2-week archive of past shows, I (SAiNt) started using Mixcloud approximately 8 years ago so all the shows I have DJed would be available to the listeners, for free. This was never a problem until the new PD arrived.


The new PD’s bully-boss approach that takes all show credit and rights from the hardworking and creative volunteers, which goes against my ethical integrity.


There is an additional reason I (SAiNt) will no longer be affiliated with the OTE show.


A power-hungry 3rd party individual who has been a vanilla-fringe member of our community for quite some time has unfortunately manipulated and coerced his way into the PD’s ear about OTE.


After becoming bosom buddies with the new PD, this 3rd party individual publicly posted slanderous personal information about me (SAiNt) online.


When confronted, the new PD made it clear he and the station had no problem with the actions of this 3rd party individual. Additionally, the new PD is progressively handing power and control about the future of OTE over to this 3rd party individual; “an individual who never was a central part of our community, but a judgmental outlier who always thought he knew best” [those are the words of my spouse].

He has also pursued the station about purchasing underwriting on KNHC (commercial ad time for public broadcast is called underwriting). For me this ethically falls under what some would call "pay to play". It is illegal for promoters and record labels to play to have songs played, so in my mind it should apply to advertisers as well. No financial source should have any say what is played on the station little along OTE.


This is why I (SAiNt) will no longer be affiliated with OTE, C89.5, or the new PD.


I (SAiNt) also am not giving C89.5 any recordings of my show files in an effort to ensure you, the listeners, will continue to have access to them for free through my Mixcloud account. After November or 2022 all OTE posts on Mixcloud were on Drew's account.


I (SAiNt) will do my best to keep my recordings of my DJ sets available to for as long as possible.


If you enjoyed my DJing during my time as part of OTE, I eventually hope to move onto streaming via Mixcloud, Twitch and Youtube.


You can follow me (SAiNt) on Facebook and Twitter to receive notifications about when I steam live. It may be a month or so to get consistent and have a show schedule, and some page names may change to my new show’s name "M3M0RYL34K” aka "Memory Leak".


And again, F*#% the new PD, Disloyal GM, power hungry 3rd party interloper, and all those who played a part in how and why this happened to OTE, a unique dance music show with [IMO] immense artistic value that has been in existence since 1987! This radio station is so inept that pledge drive was delayed a week from their website crashing. They show OTE starting at 11 and going for one hour not 2, and still show me as the host when I have only contributed a 2 hour segment since handing over the show to Drew 6 months ago. You would think that the station would fix the things that have been broken for nearly a decade just to function normally before they "fix" the format. You would think they would change the automated format, that is now on at least 3 other stations, before messing with the live specialty shows that people tune in for - not just used to pass the time as background noise.




M3M0RYL34K 00000089 2024.11.28

Video via YouTube below, push play or click on player HQ Audio with setlist via Mixcloud below, push play or click on player Unedited li...